




List of participants in the seminar

| Bauman | Bertrand | Bongaarts | Brennan | Choe | Curtis | Diamond | García-Núñez |
| Gertler | Gómez | Guilkey | Hermalin | Janowitz | Khuda | Knowles | Lakssir | Miller |
| Mojarro | Phillips | Rindfuss | Rosero-Bixby | Ross | Sathar | Steele | Stewart | Stupp | Suchindran | Tsui | Vaessen | Walsh | Westoff | Wilkinson |

Dr. Karl Bauman
319 Rosenae Hall
Dept. of Health Behav. & Health Ed
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400

Dr. Jane Bertrand
Dept. of International Health
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Tulane University
1440 Canal St, Box 13, Suite 2200
New Orleans, LA 70112

Dr. John Bongaarts
The Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dr. Ellen Brennan
Population Division/United Nations
Two United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dr. Minja Choe
East-West Center
1601 East-West Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96848-1601

Dr. Sian Curtis
DHS/Macro International
11785 Beltsville Drive, Ste. 300
Calverton, MD 20705

Dr. Ian Diamond
University of Southampton
Dept. of Statistics
Southampton S017 1BJ ENGLAND

Dr. José García-Nuñez
Tomas de Figueroa 2451, Vitacura
Santiago de Chile

Prof. Paul Gertler
Haas School of Business
545 Student Services Building
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

Dr. Víctor Gómez
Escuela de Estadistica
Universidad de Costa Rica
San Jose 2060 CR

Dr. David Guilkey
Carolina Population Center
CB# 8120, University Square East
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997

Dr. Albert Hermalin
Population Studies Center
University of Michigan
1225 South University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Dr. Barbara Janowitz
Family Health International
2224 Chapel Hill Nelson Hwy.
Durham, NC 27713

Dr. Barkat -e-Khuda
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease
GPO Box 128
Dhaka 1000, BANGLADESH

Dr. James Knowles
Abt Associates
4800 Montgomery Lane, Ste. 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-5341

Mr. Abdelylah Lakssir
Dept. of International Health
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Tulane University
1440 Canal Street, suite 2200, Box 13
New Orleans, LA 70112

Ms. Kate Miller
The Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dr. Octavio Mojarro
Angel Urraza, 1137 piso 4
03100 Mexico DF, Mexico

Dr. James Phillips
The Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dr. Ronald Rindfuss
Carolina Population Center
CB# 8120, University Square East
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997

Dr. Luis Rosero-Bixby
Universidad de Costa Rica-INISA
Apartado 833-2050

Dr. John Ross
The Futures Group International
80 Glastonbury Blvd.
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Dr. Zeba A. Sathar
The Population Council
No.55 St.No.1, Sector F-6/3

Dr. Fiona Steele
Methodology Institute
The London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE

Dr. Krista Stewart
G/PHN/POP/PE, Room 711, SA-18
Washington, DC 20523-1819

Dr. Paul Stupp
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Reproductive Health MS K-35
4770 Buford Highway NE
Atlanta, GA 30341

Dr. Chirayath Suchindran
Carolina Population Center
CB# 8120, University Square East
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997

Dr. Amy Ong Tsui
Carolina Population Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #8120, 304 University Square East
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997

Dr. Martin Vaessen
DHS/Macro International
11785 Beltsville Drive, Ste. 300
Calverton, MD 20705

Dr. Stephen Walsh
Dept. of Geography
CB# 3220
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Dr. Charles Westoff
Office of Population Research
Princeton University
21 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08540

Dr. Marilyn Wilkinson
DHS/Macro International
11785 Beltsville Drive, Ste. 300
Calverton, MD 20705




