Diccionario de Datos:  Panamá-1984
Nombre Descripción Rango Registro
PROVINCE Province 1-10 1
DISTRICT District 11-20 1
SEGMENT  Segment 21-30 1
HHNO     Household number 31-40 1
QNO      Questionnaire number 41-50 1
URBAN    Urban/rural 51-60 1
VISIT    Number of visits 61-70 1
IDAY     Day of last visit 71-80 1
IMO      Month of last visit 81-90 1
ISTAT    Result of interview 91-100 1
HHMALES  Number of males in household 101-110 1
HHFEMS   Number of females in household 111-120 1
HHWATER  Where do you get water to drink? 121-130 1
TOITYP   What kind of sanitary svcs do you have? 131-140 1
ELECT    Do you have electricity? 141-150 1
HHMED    Where does family go? 151-160 1
COMMED   Is this place in community/neighborhood? 161-170 1
NORMAT   Attend source of care 171-180 1
RETURN   Do you return if you need help? 181-190 1
NORET    Why not return? 191-200 1
MEDWHY   Why dont go to source medical care? 201-210 1
FAMSICK  Family member sick in last 30 days? 211-220 1
CONSULT  Did you seek help for treatment? 221-230 1
SEEKWHY  Why not seek help? 231-240 1
HLTHSRC  Where did they go? 241-250 1
INCOME   Monthly family income 251-260 1
FAMTYP   Type of family 261-270 1
TVCHAN   What tv chan most watched in household? 271-280 1
TVHOUR   What hour of day watch tv the most? 281-290 1
RADSTA   What rad sta listened to most in house? 291-300 1
RADHOUR  Hours of day radio listened to most 301-310 1
NEWSP    Newspaper most often bought 311-320 1
NEWSFREQ Frequency newspaper bought 321-330 1
NOWO     No. of women 15-49 living in household 331-340 1
RESPNO   Respondents number within household 341-350 1
HHRAGE   Age of respondent 351-360 1
HHMSTAT  Marital status 361-370 1
HHED     Education 371-380 1
HHCEB    Number of children born alive 381-390 1
HHMC     Number of living children 391-400 1
HHLLBMO  Month of last birth 401-410 1
HHLLBYR  Year of last birth 411-420 1
RISTAT   Final interview status 421-430 1
RBMO2    Respondents month of birth 431-440 1
RBYR2    Respondents year of birth 441-450 1
RAGE3    Respondents age 451-460 1
ED4      Educational attainment 461-470 1
MSTATS5  Marital status 471-480 1
EVUN6    Ever been in union? 481-490 1
FUMO7    Month of first union 491-500 1
FUYR7    Year of first union 501-510 1
WORK8    Currently work for pay 511-520 1
WKOUT9   Place of employment 521-530 1
PIMPLE10 What you do for spots,mucus,wounds,pmpls 531-540 1
PGPROB11 When during cycle greatest prb concept? 541-550 1
EVPG12   Ever been pregnant? 551-560 1
CPG13    Currently pregnant? 561-570 1
EDMO14   Expected month of delivery 571-580 1
EDYR14   Expected year of delivery 581-590 1
PGMETH15 Using bc mthd lst tme became pg,what mth 591-600 1
NOPG16   Total number of pregnancies 601-610 1
NOSB17   Ever had still birth? 611-620 1
CEB18    Number of children born alive 621-630 1
NLCM19   Number of living children, males 631-640 1
NLCF19   Number of living children, females 641-650 1
FBMO20   Month of first birth 651-660 1
FBYR20   Year of first birth 661-670 1
LLBMO21  Month of last birth 671-680 1
LLBYR21  Year of last birth 681-690 1
LBYAG22  Number of years since last birth 691-700 1
LSURV23  Last birth still alive 701-710 1
CHLDAG24 Age of child 711-720 1
LAGE24   If 2 years or more, age in years 721-730 1
PRETN25  Since last bth has your period returned? 731-740 1
PRMO26   Months after birth it returned 741-750 1
CBF27    Currently breast-feeding 751-760 1
TBF28    No. of times breast-fed in past 24 hours 761-770 1
EVBF29   Ever breast-fed last birth 771-780 1
BFMO30   Months breast-fed 781-790 1
MMILK31  Age first given maternal milk (hours) 791-800 1
OMILK31  Age first given other milk 801-810 1
WATER31  Age first given water 811-820 1
FRJUI31  Age first given fruit juice 821-830 1
STFRU31  Age first given strained fruit 831-840 1
CER31    Age first given cereal 841-850 1
SOUP31   Age first given soups 851-860 1
VEG31    Age first given strained vegies & grains 861-870 1
EGGY31   Age first given egg yolk 871-880 1
BEAN31   Age first given beans 881-890 1
MEAT31   Age first given meat 891-900 1
RIBRD31  Age 1st given rice,bread,tortilla,pasta 901-910 1
BELBF32  You believe recently born be breast-fed? 911-920 1
BBFAGE32 If yes, until what age? 921-930 1
MMILK32  At what age should give maternal milk? 931-940 1
OMILK32  At what age should give other milk? 941-950 1
WATER32  At what age should give water? 951-960 1
FRJUI32  At what age should give fruit juice? 961-970 1
STFRU32  At what age should give strained fruit? 971-980 1
CER32    At what age should give cereal? 981-990 1
SOUP32   At what age should give soup? 991-1000 1
VEG32    At what age should give strained vegies? 001-010 2
EGGY32   At what age should give egg yolk? 011-020 2
BEAN32   At what age should give beans? 021-030 2
MEAT32   At what age should give meat? 031-040 2
RIBRD32  At what age give rice,brd,tortila,pasta? 041-050 2
LBDES33  Last birth desired? 051-060 2
LWANT34  Did you want no more kids,or want later? 061-070 2
CDES35   Currently desire pregnancy? 071-080 2
EVAB100  Ever had prgnancy that ended bef 7 mos? 081-090 2
NOAB101  Nunber of abortions or miscarrigae 091-100 2
LABMO102 Month of last abortion or miscarriage 101-110 2
LABYR102 Year of last abortion or miscarrige 111-120 2
TYAB103  Type of last abortion 121-130 2
HDWAB104 How last abortion came about? 131-140 2
ABATT105 Received attention after last abortion? 141-150 2
ABPLA106 Place of attention, last abortion 151-160 2
ELSAB107 Had to go elsewhere for grtr attention 161-170 2
COMAB108 Complicatoins from last abortion? 171-180 2
PCAB109  Place attended for complicatons, last ab 181-190 2
ABHOS110 Hospitalized at last abortion 191-200 2
ABHNO111 Number of nights hospitalized, last ab 201-210 2
TPG112   Total pregnancies 211-220 2
PRNAT113 Med checkup during lst pg,if no,why not? 221-230 2
PNWK114  Duration of pg at 1st exam in mos or wks 231-240 2
PNDUR114 Duration 241-250 2
PLPN115  Place of first exam during last pg 251-260 2
PNNOV116 Number of visits during last pregnancy 261-270 2
PNTET117 Received tetanus inj during last pg 271-280 2
PGNOR118 Was last prgncy normal or with problems 281-290 2
PGSF119  Swollen feet prob during last pregnancy 291-300 2
PGSH119  Swollen hands prob during last pregnancy 301-310 2
PGHBP119 High bp/severe headaches prb dur last pg 311-320 2
PGBLD120 During last pg did you have bleeding? 321-330 2
PGHOS121 Dur lst pg hosp for reason related to pg 331-340 2
PGHWK122 Length hospitalized,days,wks dur lst pg 341-350 2
PGHDU122 Length of stay hospitalized dur last pg 351-360 2
PLLB123  Place of last birth 361-370 2
TYBRT124 Type of delivery 371-380 2
PPSTR125 Steril surg dur hosp stay at last birth 381-390 2
LPGEX126 Complete last bth in time expected (wks) 391-400 2
LBCOM127 Any complications last birth? 401-410 2
LBBCD128 Abundant loss of blood 411-420 2
LBFEV128 Fever more than 1 day 421-430 2
PPHOS129 Aft bith,hospit-reason related to birth? 431-440 2
PPHWK130 For how long hospitalized,in days/weeks? 441-450 2
PPHDU130 How long? 451-460 2
PPART131 Post-partum checkup 461-470 2
PPWK132  How long aft bth 1st checkup-days,wks,ms 471-480 2
PPDUR132 How long? 481-490 2
CHMED133 Had baby medical visit after birth? 491-500 2
CHMWK134 Age of child at first visit 501-510 2
CHMDU134 Age at visit 511-520 2
CHMWL135 Well baby or sick baby visit 521-530 2
PLCHM136 Place of baby medical visit 531-540 2
LBMO202  Last birth, month of childs birth 541-550 2
LBYR202  Last birth, year of birth 551-560 2
LBYAG203 Last birth, date unk,#yrs snce chlds bth 561-570 2
LBSX204  Last birth, sex of child 571-580 2
LBSUR205 Last birth, child still alive? 581-590 2
LADMO206 Last birth, age at death, <2 yrs, months 591-600 2
LADYR206 Last birth, age at death, >=2 yrs, years 601-610 2
LBFD206  Last birth, duration breast-fed, months 611-620 2
L2MO202  2nd lst bth, month of childs birth 621-630 2
L2YR202  2nd lst bth, year of birth 631-640 2
L2YAG203 2nd lst bth, dat unk,#yrs snce chlds bth 641-650 2
L2SX204  2nd lst bth, sex of child 651-660 2
L2SUR205 2nd lst bth, child still alive? 661-670 2
L2DMO206 2nd lst bth, age @ death, <2 yrs, months 671-680 2
L2DYR206 2nd lst bth, age @ death, >=2 yrs, years 681-690 2
L2FD206  2nd lst bth, duration breast-fed, months 691-700 2
L3MO202  3rd lst bth, month of childs birth 701-710 2
L3YR202  3rd lst bth, year of birth 711-720 2
L3YAG203 3rd lst bth, dat unk,#yrs snce chlds bth 721-730 2
L3SX204  3rd lst bth, sex of child 731-740 2
L3SUR205 3rd lst bth, child still alive? 741-750 2
L3DMO206 3rd lst bth, age @ death, <2 yrs, months 751-760 2
L3DYR206 3rd lst bth, age @ death, >=2 yrs, years 761-770 2
L3FD206  3rd lst bth, duration breast-fed, months 771-780 2
L4MO202  4th lst bth, month of childs birth 781-790 2
L4YR202  4th lst bth, year of birth 791-800 2
L4YAG203 4th lst bth, dat unk,#yrs snce chlds bth 801-810 2
L4SX204  4th lst bth, sex of child 811-820 2
L4SUR205 4th lst bth, child still alive? 821-830 2
L4DMO206 4th lst bth, age @ death, <2 yrs, months 831-840 2
L4DYR206 4th lst bth, age @ death, >=2 yrs, years 841-850 2
L4FD206  4th lst bth, duration breast-fed, months 851-860 2
L5MO202  5th lst bth, month of childs birth 861-870 2
L5YR202  5th lst bth, year of birth 871-880 2
L5YAG203 5th lst bth, dat unk,#yrs snce chlds bth 881-890 2
L5SX204  5th lst bth, sex of child 891-900 2
L5SUR205 5th lst bth, child still alive? 901-910 2
L5DMO206 5th lst bth, age @ death, <2 yrs, months 911-920 2
L5DYR206 5th lst bth, age @ death, >=2 yrs, years 921-930 2
L5FD206  5th lst bth, duration breast-fed, months 931-940 2
LPOL207  Last birth, #doses, polio 941-950 2
LPOMO207 Last birth, month last vacc-polio 951-960 2
LPOYR207 Last birth, year last vacc-polio 961-970 2
LPCRD207 Last birth, polio - card used 971-980 2
LDPT207  Last birth, #doses, dpt 981-990 2
LDMO207  Last birth, month last vacc-dpt 991-1000 2
LDYR207  Last birth, year last vacc-dpt 001-010 3
LDCRD207 Last birth, dpt - card used 011-020 3
LMEA207  Last birth, #doses, measles 021-030 3
LMEMO207 Last birth, mth lst vacc-measles 031-040 3
LMEYR207 Last birth, yr last vacc-measles 041-050 3
LMCRD207 Last birth,  measles - card used 051-060 3
L2P207   2nd lst birth, #doses, polio 061-070 3
L2PM207  2nd lst birth, month last vacc-polio 071-080 3
L2PY207  2nd lst birth, year last vacc-polio 081-090 3
L2PC207  2nd lst birth, polio - card used 091-100 3
L2D207   2nd lst birth, #doses, dpt 101-110 3
L2DM207  2nd lst birth, month last vacc-dpt 111-120 3
L2DY207  2nd lst birth, year last vacc-dpt 121-130 3
L2DC207  2nd lst birth, dpt - card used 131-140 3
L2M207   2nd lst birth, #doses, measles 141-150 3
L2MM207  2nd lst birth, mth last vacc-measles 151-160 3
L2MY207  2nd lst birth, yr last vacc-measles 161-170 3
L2MC207  2nd lst birth, measles - card used 171-180 3
L3P207   3rd lst birth, #doses, polio 181-190 3
L3PM207  3rd lst birth, month last vacc-polio 191-200 3
L3PY207  3rd lst birth, year last vacc-polio 201-210 3
L3PC207  3rd lst birth, polio - card used 211-220 3
L3D207   3rd lst birth, #doses, dpt 221-230 3
L3DM207  3rd lst birth, month last vacc-dpt 231-240 3
L3DY207  3rd lst birth, year last vacc-dpt 241-250 3
L3DC207  3rd lst birth, dpt - card used 251-260 3
L3M207   3rd lst birth, #doses, measles 261-270 3
L3MM207  3rd lst birth, mth last vacc-measles 271-280 3
L3MY207  3rd lst birth, yr last vacc-measles 281-290 3
L3MC207  3rd lst birth, measles - card used 291-300 3
L4P207   4th lst birth, #doses, polio 301-310 3
L4PM207  4th lst birth, month last vacc-polio 311-320 3
L4PY207  4th lst birth, year last vacc-polio 321-330 3
L4PC207  4th lst birth, polio - card used 331-340 3
L4D207   4th lst birth, #doses, dpt 341-350 3
L4DM207  4th lst birth, month last vacc-dpt 351-360 3
L4DY207  4th lst birth, year last vacc-dpt 361-370 3
L4DC207  4th lst birth, dpt - card used 371-380 3
L4M207   4th lst birth, #doses, measles 381-390 3
L4MM207  4th lst birth, mth last vacc-measles 391-400 3
L4MY207  4th lst birth, yr last vacc-measles 401-410 3
L4MC207  4th lst birth, measles - card used 411-420 3
L5P207   5th lst birth, #doses, polio 421-430 3
L5PM207  5th lst birth, month last vacc-polio 431-440 3
L5PY207  5th lst birth, year last vacc-polio 441-450 3
L5PC207  5th lst birth, polio - card used 451-460 3
L5D207   5th lst birth, #doses, dpt 461-470 3
L5DM207  5th lst birth, month last vacc-dpt 471-480 3
L5DY207  5th lst birth, year last vacc-dpt 481-490 3
L5DC207  5th lst birth, dpt - card used 491-500 3
L5M207   5th lst birth, #doses, measles 501-510 3
L5MM207  5th lst birth, mth last vacc-measles 511-520 3
L5MY207  5th lst birth, yr last vacc-measles 521-530 3
L5MC207  5th lst birth, measles - card used 531-540 3
LDIA208  Last birth, had diarrhea last week 541-550 3
LDRT209  Last birth, if yes, treatment 551-560 3
LFEV210  Last birth, had fever 561-570 3
LCGH210  Last birth, had cough 571-580 3
LSTH210  Last birth, had sore throat 581-590 3
LNAS210  Last birth, had nasal secretion 591-600 3
LWBC211  Last birth, wellbaby chkup past 12 mos 601-610 3
L2DIA208 2nd lst birth, had diarrhea last week 611-620 3
L2DRT209 2nd lst birth, if yes, treatment 621-630 3
L2FEV210 2nd lst birth, had fever 631-640 3
L2CGH210 2nd lst birth, had cough 641-650 3
L2STH210 2nd lst birth, had sore throat 651-660 3
L2NAS210 2nd lst birth, had nasal secretion 661-670 3
L2WBC211 2nd lst birth, wellbaby chkup past 12 mo 671-680 3
L3DIA208 3rd lst birth, had diarrhea last week 681-690 3
L3DRT209 3rd lst birth, if yes, treatment 691-700 3
L3FEV210 3rd lst birth, had fever 701-710 3
L3CGH210 3rd lst birth, had cough 711-720 3
L3STH210 3rd lst birth, had sore throat 721-730 3
L3NAS210 3rd lst birth, had nasal secretion 731-740 3
L3WBC211 3rd lst birth, wellbaby chkup past 12 mo 741-750 3
L4DIA208 4th lst birth, had diarrhea last week 751-760 3
L4DRT209 4th lst birth, if yes, treatment 761-770 3
L4FEV210 4th lst birth, had fever 771-780 3
L4CGH210 4th lst birth, had cough 781-790 3
L4STH210 4th lst birth, had sore throat 791-800 3
L4NAS210 4th lst birth, had nasal secretion 801-810 3
L4WBC211 4th lst birth, wellbaby chkup past 12 mo 811-820 3
L5DIA208 5th lst birth, had diarrhea last week 821-830 3
L5DRT209 5th lst birth, if yes, treatment 831-840 3
L5FEV210 5th lst birth, had fever 841-850 3
L5CGH210 5th lst birth, had cough 851-860 3
L5STH210 5th lst birth, had sore throat 861-870 3
L5NAS210 5th lst birth, had nasal secretion 871-880 3
L5WBC211 5th lst birth, wellbaby chkup past 12 mo 881-890 3
LDAC212  Last birth, death caused by accident? 891-900 3
LDAY213  Last birth, no. of days sick bef death 901-910 3
LPDT214  Last birth, place of death 911-920 3
LSYA215  Last birth, unable to suck,open mouth 921-930 3
LSYB215  Last birth, unable to open mouth 931-940 3
LSYC215  Last birth, had high fever 941-950 3
LSYD215  Last birth, had rash 951-960 3
LSYE215  Last birth, had cough 961-970 3
LSYF215  Last birth, had red,tearing eye 971-980 3
LSYG215  Last birth, had severe cough then vomit 981-990 3
LSYH215  Last birth, had whooping cough 991-1000 3
LSYI215  Last birth, had swollen feet 001-010 4
LSYJ215  Last birth, had severe undernutrition 011-020 4
LSYK215  Last birth, had diarrhea 021-030 4
L2DAC212 2nd lst bth, death caused by accident? 031-040 4
L2DAY213 2nd lst bth, no. of days sick bef death 041-050 4
L2PDT214 2nd lst bth, place of death 051-060 4
L2SYA215 2nd lst bth, unable to suck,open mouth 061-070 4
L2SYB215 2nd lst bth, unable to open mouth 071-080 4
L2SYC215 2nd lst bth, had high fever 081-090 4
L2SYD215 2nd lst bth, had rash 091-100 4
L2SYE215 2nd lst bth, had cough 101-110 4
L2SYF215 2nd lst bth, had red,tearing eye 111-120 4
L2SYG215 2nd lst bth, had sevr cough then vomit 121-130 4
L2SYH215 2nd lst bth, had whooping cough 131-140 4
L2SYI215 2nd lst bth, had swollen feet 141-150 4
L2SYJ215 2nd lst bth, had severe undernutritn 151-160 4
L2SYK215 2nd lst bth, had diarrhea 161-170 4
L3DAC212 3rd lst bth, death caused by accident? 171-180 4
L3DAY213 3rd lst bth, no. of days sick bef death 181-190 4
L3PDT214 3rd lst bth, place of death 191-200 4
L3SYA215 3rd lst bth, unable to suck,open mouth 201-210 4
L3SYB215 3rd lst bth, unable to open mouth 211-220 4
L3SYC215 3rd lst bth, had high fever 221-230 4
L3SYD215 3rd lst bth, had rash 231-240 4
L3SYE215 3rd lst bth, had cough 241-250 4
L3SYF215 3rd lst bth, had red,tearing eye 251-260 4
L3SYG215 3rd lst bth, had sevr cough then vomit 261-270 4
L3SYH215 3rd lst bth, had whooping cough 271-280 4
L3SYI215 3rd lst bth, had swollen feet 281-290 4
L3SYJ215 3rd lst bth, had severe undernutritn 291-300 4
L3SYK215 3rd lst bth, had diarrhea 301-310 4
L4DAC212 4th lst bth,death caused by accident? 311-320 4
L4DAY213 4th lst bth,no. of days sick bef death 321-330 4
L4PDT214 4th lst bth,place of death 331-340 4
L4SYA215 4th lst bth, unable to suck,open mouth 341-350 4
L4SYB215 4th lst bth, unable to open mouth 351-360 4
L4SYC215 4th lst bth, had high fever 361-370 4
L4SYD215 4th lst bth, had rash 371-380 4
L4SYE215 4th lst bth, had cough 381-390 4
L4SYF215 4th lst bth, had red,tearing eye 391-400 4
L4SYG215 4th lst bth, had sevr cough then vomit 401-410 4
L4SYH215 4th lst bth, had whooping cough 411-420 4
L4SYI215 4th lst bth, had swollen feet 421-430 4
L4SYJ215 4th lst bth, had severe undernutritn 431-440 4
L4SYK215 4th lst bth, had diarrhea 441-450 4
L5DAC212 5th lst bth, death caused by accident? 451-460 4
L5DAY213 5th lst bth, no. of days sick bef death 461-470 4
L5PDT214 5th lst bth, place of death 471-480 4
L5SYA215 5th lst bth, unable to suck,open mouth 481-490 4
L5SYB215 5th lst bth, unable to open mouth 491-500 4
L5SYC215 5th lst bth, had high fever 501-510 4
L5SYD215 5th lst bth, had rash 511-520 4
L5SYE215 5th lst bth, had cough 521-530 4
L5SYF215 5th lst bth, had red,tearing eye 531-540 4
L5SYG215 5th lst bth, had sevr cough then vomit 541-550 4
L5SYH215 5th lst bth, had whooping cough 551-560 4
L5SYI215 5th lst bth, had swollen feet 561-570 4
L5SYJ215 5th lst bth, had severe undernutritn 571-580 4
L5SYK215 5th lst bth, had diarrhea 581-590 4
LSYA216  Last bth symp hrs bef dth-convulsions 591-600 4
LSYB216  Last bth symp hrs bef dth-body rigid 601-610 4
LSYC216  Last bth symp hrsbef dth-diarrhea 611-620 4
LSYD216  Lst bth symp hrs bef dth-mucus/bldy stls 621-630 4
LSYE216  Lst bth symp hrs bef dth-parlys 1,2 legs 631-640 4
LCDT217  Last birth cause of death 641-650 4
LWTC218  Last birth who told cause? 651-660 4
LTET219  Lst birth recog cause of dth tetanus 661-670 4
LWHC219  Lst bth recog cause of dth whoopng cough 671-680 4
LDIA219  Lst birth recog cause of dth diarrhea 681-690 4
LMEA219  Lst birth recog cause of dth measles 691-700 4
LPNE219  Lst birth recog cause of dth pneumonia 701-710 4
LCCD220  Lst birth cause of death 711-720 4
L2SYA216 2nd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-convulsions 721-730 4
L2SYB216 2nd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-body rigid 731-740 4
L2SYC216 2nd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-diarrhea 741-750 4
L2SYD216 2nd lst bth symp hrs bf dth-mucus/bld st 751-760 4
L2SYE216 2nd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-parlys legs 761-770 4
L2CDT217 2nd lst bth cause of death 771-780 4
L2WTC218 2nd lst bth who told cause? 781-790 4
L2TET219 2nd lst bth recog cause of dth-tetanus 791-800 4
L2WHC219 2nd lst bth rec cause of dth-whpng cough 801-810 4
L2DIA219 2nd lst bth recog cause of dth-diarrhea 811-820 4
L2MEA219 2nd lst bth recog cause of dth-measles 821-830 4
L2PNE219 2nd lst bth recog cause of dth-pneumonia 831-840 4
L2CCD220 2nd lst bth cause of death 841-850 4
L3SYA216 3rd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-convulsions 851-860 4
L3SYB216 3rd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-body rigid 861-870 4
L3SYC216 3rd lst bth symp hrs bef dth-diarrhea 871-880 4
L3SYD216 3rd lst bth symp hrs bf dth-mucus/bld st 881-890 4
L3SYE216 3rd lst bth symp hrs bf dth-paral/1,2 lg 891-900 4
L3CDT217 3rd lst bth cause of death 901-910 4
L3WTC218 3rd lst bth who told cause? 911-920 4
L3TET219 3rd lst bth recog cause of dth-tetanus 921-930 4
L3WHC219 3rd lst bth rec cause of dth-whpng cough 931-940 4
L3DIA219 3rd lst bth recog cause of dth-diarrhea 941-950 4
L3MEA219 3rd lst bth recog cause of dth-measles 951-960 4
L3PNE219 3rd lst bth recog cause of dth-pneumonia 961-970 4
L3CCD220 3rd lst bth cause of death 971-980 4
L4SYA216 4th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-convulsions 981-990 4
L4SYB216 4th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-body rigid 991-1000 4
L4SYC216 4th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-diarrhea 001-010 5
L4SYD216 4th lst bth symp hrs bf dth-mucus/bld st 011-020 5
L4SYE216 4th lst bth symp hrs bf dth-paral/1,2 lg 021-030 5
L4CDT217 4th lst bth cause of death 031-040 5
L4WTC218 4th lst bth who told cause? 041-050 5
L4TET219 4th lst bth recog cause of dth-tetanus 051-060 5
L4WHC219 4th lst bth rec cause of dth-whpng cough 061-070 5
L4DIA219 4th lst bth recog cause of dth-diarrhea 071-080 5
L4MEA219 4th lst bth recog cause of dth-measles 081-090 5
L4PNE219 4th lst bth recog cause of dth-pneumonia 091-100 5
L4CCD220 4th lst bth cause of death 101-110 5
L5SYA216 5th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-convulsions 111-120 5
L5SYB216 5th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-body rigid 121-130 5
L5SYC216 5th lst bth symp hrs bef dth-diarrhea 131-140 5
L5SYD216 5th lst bth symp hrs bf dth-mucus/bld st 141-150 5
L5SYE216 5th lst bth symp hrs bf dth-paral/1,2 lg 151-160 5
L5CDT217 5th lst bth cause of death 161-170 5
L5WTC218 5th lst bth who told cause? 171-180 5
L5TET219 5th lst bth recog cause of dth-tetanus 181-190 5
L5WHC219 5th lst bth rec cause of dth-whpng cough 191-200 5
L5DIA219 5th lst bth recog cause of dth-diarrhea 201-210 5
L5MEA219 5th lst bth recog cause of dth-measles 211-220 5
L5PNE219 5th lst bth recog cause of dth-pneumonia 221-230 5
L5CCD220 5th lst bth cause of death 231-240 5
ORAL300  Use of contraceptive mthds-oral 241-250 5
OBRND300 Use of contraceptive mthds-brand of pill 251-260 5
IUD300   Use of contraceptive mthds-iud 261-270 5
COND300  Use of contraceptive mthds-condom 271-280 5
INJ300   Use of contraceptive mthds-injection 281-290 5
FJT300   Use of contraceptive mthds-foam,jel,tabs 291-300 5
DIA300   Use of contraceptive mthds-diaphragm 301-310 5
BILL300  Use of contraceptive mthds-billings 311-320 5
RHTH300  Use of contraceptive mthds-rhythm 321-330 5
WTHD300  Use of contraceptive mthds-withdrawal 331-340 5
MSTMO300 Male sterilization-month of procedure 341-350 5
MSTYR300 Male sterilization-year of procedure 351-360 5
FSTMO300 Female sterilization-month of procedure 361-370 5
FSTYR300 Female sterilization-year of procedure 371-380 5
TYFST300 Type of procedure 381-390 5
OTHR300  Other method 391-400 5
CNGPG400 Believe can get pregnant 401-410 5
RNPG401  Reason believe cant get pregnant 411-420 5
RSNOT402 Reason not use contraception 421-430 5
CDMTH403 Curr desire to use contraceptive method 431-440 5
DMFUT404 Desire to use method in the future 441-450 5
PRMTH405 Preferred method 451-460 5
RNMTH406 Why not desire method in the future? 461-470 5
KNSRC407 Know where to obtain method 471-480 5
FSRC408  In what place can obtain methods? 481-490 5
FSMIN409 # of minutes to source of contraception 491-500 5
MTHCO410 How much methods cost in that place? 501-510 5
MUNCO410 Cost per unit 1 balboas 511-520 5
MSTNU411 Did your mth hav steril aft you were brn 521-530 5
CSRC500  Source of current method 531-540 5
CSMIN501 Travel time to source (minutes) 541-550 5
CCMTH502 Cost of method (balboas) 551-560 5
MSTUS503 Did your mth hav steril bef you were brn 561-570 5
HVALL600 Have all children desired? 571-580 5
RNMOR601 Why dont you want more? 581-590 5
INTOP602 Interested in opertn to avoid havng more 591-600 5
STINF603 Do you know where to get info abt sterlz 601-610 5
SSRIN604 In what place can you get info on steriz 611-620 5
RNST605  Why havent you had a sterilization? 621-630 5
FUSTN606 Will you be interested in sterilization? 631-640 5
FKSSR607 Do you know where to get info about ster 641-650 5
FSRST608 In what place can you get steriltn info? 651-660 5
RFNST609 Why will you not be interested in steril 661-670 5
STSRC700 Where did you obtain your sterilization? 671-680 5
STCST701 How much did operation cost (balboas) 681-690 5
STINF702 Who first informed you about sterilizatn 691-700 5
SPINS703 Whom did you rec spec info abt operation 701-710 5
ISTIN704 If you had to get info on str,who ask? 711-720 5
STDBT705 Aft getting steril info, still in doubt? 721-730 5
STDEC706 Who made decision to have operation? 731-740 5
ASKST707 Did you ask for operation? 741-750 5
AGRST708 Were you in agrmnt w/dr. to have the op? 751-760 5
WHYST709 Why did you decide to have the operation 761-770 5
ORNST710 Did you hav oth imp reasons for operatn? 771-780 5
WRNST711 What other important reasons? 781-790 5
DECDA712 How much time btwn decision & operation? 791-800 5
PROBS713 Have problem obtaining operation? 801-810 5
WHPRB714 What was the prob obtaining operation? 811-820 5
SATST715 Are you satisfied w/your dec to have op? 821-830 5
RNSAT716 Reason not satisfied with operation? 831-840 5
SPSAT717 You think spouse/companion is satisfied? 841-850 5
RNSPS718 Why you think spouse/companion is satsfd 851-860 5
RNSNS719 Why you think spouse/companion n/satsfed 861-870 5
STAGN720 Would you decide to have steriliz again? 871-880 5
STSEX721 How are sexual relations since the op? 881-890 5
STMOR722 At str,you think you were morally wrong? 891-900 5
STREV723 Would you like to have op to have child? 901-910 5
MSTNS724 Did your mother have a sterilization? 911-920 5
WLIV800  With whom do you live in this house? 921-930 5
SEXMA801 Which alternative do you agree with? 931-940 5
UNMPG802 Alternatives for unmarr woman who is pg 941-950 5
HSEX803  Had sexual relations 951-960 5
ASEX804  Age at first sexual relations (years) 961-970 5
APSEX805 Age 1st partner 1st hav relations (yrs)? 971-980 5
PSEX806  This person was your: 981-990 5
CSEX807  Use contracep mthds during 1st relatios? 991-1000 5
MSEX808  Method used during first relations 001-010 6
RNMSX809 Why no method used, first relations? 011-020 6
MSEX810  Sexual relations in last month? 021-030 6
USEX811  Did you use a method of contraception? 031-040 6
MTHSX812 Method used in last week? 041-050 6
RNMTH813 Why are you not using a method now? 051-060 6
WOMID    Individual women id number 061-070 6
IYEAR    Year of interview 071-080 6
DATEINV  Date of interview 081-090 6
CMINT    Century months of interview 091-100 6
DATLLB21 Date of last live birth - q21 101-110 6
CMLLB    Century months of last live birth - q21 111-120 6
DATLB202 Date of last live birth - q202 121-130 6
CMLB2    Century months of last live birth - q202 131-140 6
CURRUSE  Current use of effective method of bc 141-150 6