Variable Descripción
QUEST1     Questionnaire Number
GEO_CODE     Geo-Code Belize 1999
HH_SCHED     HH Schedule Number
ED_NO    Ed Number
HVSTNO     Visit Number
DATE_D    Day of Interview
DATE_M     Month of Interview
DATE_Y     Year of Interview
SHH_TIME     Time Started in Hours
SMM_TIME     Time Started in Minutes
EHH_TIME     Time Ended in Hours
EMM_TIME     Time Ended in Minutes
HR_DUR     Duration of Interview Hour
MN_DUR     Duration of Interview Minute
STATUS     Interview Status
H001     Main Construction Material Flooring
H001OTH     Other Contruction Material Flooring
H002     Type of Lighting Household Uses
H002OTH     Other Lightning Used in Household
H003     Type of Fuel Cooking
H003OTH     Other Type of Fuel Cooking
H004     Main Source of Drinking Water Supply
H004OTH     Other Source - Drinking Water
H005     Type Toilet Facility
H005OTH     Other - Toilet Facility
H006     Number of Bedrooms - Dwelling
H007A     A - Own Radio
H007B     B - Own Television Set
H007C     C - Own Video Recorder
H007D     D - Own Personal Computer
H007E     E - Own Private Vechile
H007F     F - Own Refrigerator
H007G     G - Own Washing Machine
H007H     H - Own Gas Stove
H007I     I - Own Microwave
H008     Telephone Service in House
H009TOT     Total Number Household
H009MEN     Total Number Men Household
H009WMN     Total Number Women Household
H010     Number of Woman
Q100MOB     Month of Birth
Q100YOB     Year of Birth
Q101     How old ae you presently
Q102     Country Born
Q103     Ethnic Group
Q103OTH     Other Ethnic Group
Q104     Religion Denomination
Q104OTH     Other Religion Denomination
Q105     Frequency attend Religious Service
Q106     How Well Speak English
Q107     How Well Speak Spanish
Q108     Presently attending school
Q109LVL     Level school presently
Q109YRS     Years school presently
Q110LVL     Level school completed
Q110YRS     Years school completed
Q111     Level highest school
Q112     Level school completed
Q113     Work during past week
Q114     Have you ever worked
Q115     Why did you stop
Q116     Age first start working
Q117     Hours worked past week
Q118     Worked outside home
Q119     Self employed
Q120     Occupation
Q121     City Town Village
Q122A     Listen to radio
Q122B     Watch television
Q122C     National Newspaper
Q122D     Local Newspaper
Q201     Fathered any Children
Q202     Children living at home
Q203     Children living elsewhere
Q204     Children that died
Q205     Total children fathered
Q206     Age first had child
Q207     In school first child born
Q208LVL     Lvl completed for first child
Q207YRS     Yrs Years beyond level completed
Q21001     Last child
Q211M01     Month date of birth
Q211Y01      Year date of birth
Q21201     Sex of last live birth
Q21301     Is child still alive
Q21401     Child live with father
Q21501     Who child lives with
Q21002     Next child
Q211M02     Month date of birth
Q211Y02     Year date of birth
Q21202     Sex of last live birth
Q21302     Is child still alive
Q21402     Child live with father
Q21502     Who child lives with
Q21003     Next child
Q211M03     Month date of birth
Q211Y03     Year date of birth
Q21203     Sex of last live birth
Q21303     Is child still alive
Q21403     Child live with father
Q21503     Who child lives with
Q21004     Next child
Q211M04     Month date of birth
Q211Y04     Year date of birth
Q21204     Sex of last live birth
Q2104     Is child still alive
Q21404       Child live with father
Q21504     Who child lives with
Q21005     Next child
Q211M05     Month date of birth
Q211Y05     Year date of birth
Q21205    Sex of last live birth
Q21305    Is child still alive
Q21405     Child live with father
Q21505     Who child lives with
Q21006     Next child
Q211M06     Month date of birth
Q211Y06 Year date of birth
Q21206    Sex of last live birth
Q21306     Is child still alive
Q21406     Child live with father
Q21506     Who child live with
Q21007    Next child
Q211M07    Month date of birth
Q211Y07    Year date of birth
Q21207    Sex of last live birth
Q21307    Is child still alive
Q21407     Child live with father
Q21507     Who child live with
Q21008     Next child
Q211M08    Month date of birth
Q211Y08    Year date of birth
Q21208    Sex of last birth
Q21308    Is child still alive
Q21408    Child live with father
Q21508     Who child live with
Q21009     Next child
Q211M09     Month date of birth
Q211Y09     Year date of birth
Q21209    Sex of last live birth
Q21309    Is child still alive
Q21409    Child live with father
Q21509    Who child live with
Q21010     Next child
Q211M10     Month date of birth
Q211Y10     Year date of birth
Q21210    Sex of last live birth
Q21310    Is child still alive
Q21410    Child live with father
Q21510    Who child live with
Q21011    Next child
Q211M11     Month date of birth
Q211Y11     Year date of birth
Q21211     Sex of last live birth
Q21311    Is child still alive
Q21411    Child live with father
Q21511    Who child live with
Q21012    Next child
Q211M12    Month date of birth
Q211Y12     Year date of birth
Q21212     Sex of last birth
Q21312    Is child still alive
Q21412    Child live with father
Q21512    Who child live with
Q21701    First child not with father
Q21801    Financial support
Q21901     Type of support
Q22001     Volntry mandtry support
Q22101     Main source support
Q22201    Why no support
Q21702    Next child with father
Q21802    Financial support
Q21902    Type of support
Q22002    Volntry mandtry support
Q22102     Main source support
Q22202     Why not support
Q21703     Next child with father
Q21803    Financial support
Q21903    Type of support
Q22003    Volntry mandtry support
Q22103    Main source support
Q22203    Why no support
Q21704     Next child with father
Q21804     Financial support
Q21904     Type of support
Q22004     Volntry mandtry support
Q22104    Main source support
Q22204    Why no support
Q21705    Next child with father
Q21805    Financial support
Q21905     Type of support
Q22005     Volntry mandtry support
Q227M11     Main source support
Q22205    Why no support
Q21706    Next child with father
Q21806    Financial support
Q21906    Type of support
Q22006    Volntry mandtry support
Q22106     Main source support
Q22206     Why no support
Q21707     Next child with father
Q21807    Financial support
Q21907    Type of support
Q22007    Volntry mandtry support
Q22107    Main source support
Q22207    Why no support
Q223     If wanted first child
Q224     First child planned unplanned
Q225     If wanted last only child
Q226     Last child planned unplanned
Q227     Num women had children with
Q228     Multpl births in same year
Q228B    Number of mothers
Q229     Anyone presently pregnant for you
Q230     One more woman curnt pregnant for you
Q230B     B num women curnt pregnant
Q231     If wanted pregnancy
Q232     Type of support first mother
Q233     Type support second mother
Q30101S     01- Pill spontaneous
Q30101H     01- Pill heard of
Q30101U     01- Pill used
Q30102S     02- Injection spontaneous
Q30102H     02 -Injection heard of
Q30102U     02 - Injection used
Q30103S     03- Inter - uterine spontaneous
Q30103H     03 - Inter uterine heard of
Q30103U     03 - Inter uterine used
Q30104S     04- M condoms spontaneous
Q30104H     04- M condoms heard of
Q30104U     04 - M condoms used
Q30105S     05 - F condoms Spontaneous
Q30105H     05 - F condoms heard of
Q30105U     05 - F condoms used
Q30106S     06 - Diaphragm spontaneous
Q30106H     06 - Diaphragm heard of
Q30106U     06 - Diaphragm used
Q30107S     07 - Vaginal spontaneous
Q30107H     07- Vaginal heard of
Q30107U     07 -Vaginal used
Q30108S     08 -Cond/Foam spontaneous
Q30108H     08 - Cond/Foam heard of
Q30108U     08 - Cond/Foam used
Q30109S     09 - Diag/Foam spontaneous
Q30109H     09 -Diag/Foam heard of
Q30109U     09 - Diag/Foam used
Q30110S     10 - Vaginal/Cream spontaneous
Q30110H     10 - Vaginal/Cream Heard of
Q30110U     10 - Vaginal/Cream used
Q30111S     11 -Morn pill spontaneous
Q30111H     11 - Morn pill heard of
Q30111U     11 -Morn pill used
Q30112S     12 - Rythm spontaneous
Q30112H     12 -Rythm heard of
Q30112U     12 -Rythm used
Q30113S     13 -Billings spontaneous
Q30113H     13 -Billings heard of
Q30113U     13 -Billings used
Q30114S     14 -Withdrawl spontaneous
Q30114H     14 -withdrawl heard of
Q30114U     14 - withdrawl used
Q30115S     15 -F steril spontaneous
Q30115H     15 - F steril heard of
Q30115U     15 - Fsteril used
Q30116S     16 - M steril spontaneous
Q30116H     16 - M steril heard of
Q30116U     16 - M steril used
Q30117S     17 - Lactation spontaneous
Q30117H     17 - Lactation heard of
Q30117U     17 - Lactation used
Q30188O     88 - Other specify
Q30118H     88 - Other heard of
Q30118U     88 - Other used
Q302     Pregnant at present
Q3031     01-Why not
Q304     Why not
Q304A     A - Respondent never used method
Q3051     01 - First contraceptive age
Q3061     01 - Contraceptive - children
Q307     Using contraceptive
Q3081     01 -Not using a method
Q3082   02 - Myth cultural belief
Q309M    Month stopped using
Q309Y   Year stopped using
Q3101     01 - Why stop use method
Q3111     01 - Method was being used
Q3112     02 - Other Specify
Q3121     02 - Method is being used
Q3122     02 - Other Specify
Q3131     01 - Space Pregnancies
Q3132     02 - Other Specify
Q314     Contraceptive - Country - Abroad
Q3151     01 - Where-Get-Method-Used
Q3152     02 - Other Specify
Q316     Who Gets Supplies
Q3171     01 - Planning Services
Q3172     02 - Other Specify
Q318     Special Day or Time
Q319MO     Monday convenient
Q319TU     Tuesday convenient
Q319WE     Wed Convenient
Q319TH    Thu Convenient
Q319FR     Fri Convenient
Q319SA     Sat Convenient
Q319SU     Sun Convenient
Q320EM     Early Morning
Q320LM     Late Afternoon
Q320EA     Early Afternoon
Q320LA     Late Afternoon
Q320E     Evenings
Q320O     Other Specify
Q321     Views Waiting Time
Q322 Long to get there
Q323     Too Far Away
Q324     Pay for Method
Q325     Use Second Method
Q3261     01 - What is the method used
Q3262     02 - Other Specify
Q3271     01 - reason for method
Q3272     02 - Other Specify
Q328     Relan to sec to last person
Q329     If use a method
Q330     Method used
Q3302     02 - other Specify
Q331     If used a second method
Q332     Type of method used
Q3331     Curently using contra
Q3332     Res is sterilized
Q3333     Res is using other method
Q334      If prefer other method
Q335      If want to use a method
Q336      Method would like to use
Q337      Know where to get method
Q338      Where will you get method
Q339      Where exactly get method
Q340      Why not using preferred method
Q401     Correct Status
Q402     Anymore Children
Q403     Prevention of children
Q404     Asked for information
Q405     Where go for operation
Q405A     A - Where
Q405OTH     Other - Where
Q406     Why have you not had it
Q406OTH     Other - get Operation
Q407     Why not interested in operation
Q407OTH     Not interested in operation
Q408     More Children to have
Q409     Prevention of having more child
Q410     To get information
Q411     Operation - Local- Community
Q411A     A - Where to get operation
Q411OTH     Other-Where to get operation
Q412     Why not Interested in Operation
Q412OTH     other-Why not operation
Q501     Reason of Surgery
Q501OTH     other reason of Surgery
Q502     Where Sterilization
Q502OTH     Other Sterilization
Q503     What Country
Q503OTH     Other What Country
Q504     Age Operation was done
Q505     Where Satistified
Q506     Regret the Surgery
Q507     Why regret Surgery
Q507OTH     other - Why Regret
Q508     Recommend to Woman
Q509     People Reaction after surgery
Q510     Sexual Relations
Q600     Relation of same sex
Q601     Current Union Status
Q602     Married Commonlaw
Q603     Times Married - Commonlaw
Q6051     01 - Month First Start Living
Q605Y1     Y01 - Year First start living
Q6061     01 - Current Union Status
Q607M1     M1 - Month Union End
Q607Y1     Y1 - Year Union Ended
Q6081     01 - Age First Living Partner
Q6091     01 - Age First Living with him
Q610L1     01 - Level of Education
Q610Y1     01 - Year of Education
Q611L1     01 - Partner Level of Education
Q611Y1     01 - partner Year of Education
Q6052     02 - Month first start living
Q605Y2    02 - year first start living
Q6062     02 - Current Union Living
Q607M2     02 - Month Union End
Q607Y2     02 - year Union Ended
Q6082     02 - Age First Living with Partner
Q6092     02 - Age First living with him
Q610L2     02 - Level of Education
Q610Y2     02 - year of Education
Q611L2     02 - Partner - Level of Education
Q611Y2     02 - Partner - year of Education
Q6053     03 - Month First Start Living
Q605Y3     03 - Year of First Start Living
Q6063     03 - Current Union Stattus
Q607M3     03 - Month Union end
Q607Y3     03 - Year Union Ended
Q6083     03 - Age First Living with Partner
Q6093     03 - Age First Living with him
Q610L3     03 - Level of Education
Q610Y3     03 - Year of Education
Q611L3     03 - Partner - Level of Education
Q611Y3     03 - Partner Year of Education
Q6054     04 - Month first start living
Q605Y4     04 - Year first start living
Q6064     04 - Current union status
Q6074     04- Month union end
Q607Y4     04 -Year union ended
Q6084     04 - Age first living with partner
Q6094     04 - Age first living with him
Q610L4     04 - Level of Education
Q610Y4     04 - Year of Education
Q611L4     04 - Partner level of Education
Q611Y4     04 - Partner year of Education
Q6055     05 - Month first start living
Q605Y5     05- Year first start living
Q6065     05 - Current union status
Q607M5     05- Month union end
Q607Y5     05- Year union ended
Q6085     05 - Age first living with partner
Q6095     05- Age first living with him
Q610L5     05 - Level of Education
Q610Y5     05 - Year of Education
Q611L5     05 - Partner - level of education
Q611Y5     05 - Partner - Year of Education
Q6056     06 - Month First Start Living
Q605Y6     06 - Year First Start Living
Q6066     06 - Current Union Status
Q607M6     06 - Month Union End
Q607Y6     06 - Year Union Ended
Q6086     06- Age - First living with Partner
Q6096     06 - Age - First Living with him
Q610L6     06 - Level of Education
Q610Y6     06 - Year of Education
Q611L6     06 - Partner - Level of Education
Q611Y6     06 - Partner - year of Education
Q701     First Sexual Intercourse
Q702     In School First Intercourse
Q703A     A - Level - first Intercourse
Q703B     B - Years First Intercourse
Q704     Consensual Basis
Q7051     Relationship to First male
Q7052     Other Relationship First Male
Q706     Age - Male First Intercourse
Q707     School First - Intercourse
Q708A     Level School Completed
Q708B     B - Years - School Completed
Q709     Contraceptive Method Used
Q7101     01 - What Method Used
Q7102     02 - Other Method Used
Q711     Local Community Elswhere
Q7121     01 - Where Get Method
Q712OTH     Other Get Method
Q713     Decision Method
Q713A     A - Method to Prevent
Q713B     B - Decision Made
Q7141     01 - Why Contraceptive
Q715     Sex in Last 30 Days
Q716     Times - Last 30 Days
Q717     Sex Last 30 Months
Q718     How Many Last 30 Days
Q719     Consensual Basis
Q7201     Relationship - Intercourse
Q800     Heard HIV/AIDS
Q8011     01 - First Heard of HIV/AIDS
Q8021      01 - Shaking Hands
Q8022     02 - Same Room With HIV Virus
Q8023     03 - Sharing Dishe
Q8024     04 - Sharing Needles
Q8025     05 - Sexual Intercourse Men
Q8026     06 - Sexual Intercourse Woman
Q8027     07 - Sex - man - Woman
Q8028     08 - Blood Donation
Q8029     09 - Blood transfusion
Q80210     10 - Bitten Insect - AIDS
Q80211     11 - Kissing Love Bits
Q80212     12 - Oral Sex
Q80213     13 - Tattoo/Acupuncture
Q80214     14 - Mother to Child
Q80215     15 - Breastfeeding
Q80216     16 - Shaving Units
Q80217     18 - Dental Intruments
Q802OTH     Other - HIV/AIDS - Other
Q803     Risk - HIV/AIDS
Q804     Little or No Risk AIDS
Q804OTH     88 - Little or no risk
Q8051     01 - Does not used condoms
Q8052     02 - More Than One Partner
Q8053     03 - Partners has Another Partner
Q8054     04 - Homosexuals/Bisexuals
Q8055     05 - Blood Transfusions
Q8056     06 - Needles used by others
Q8057     07 - Sex with prostitutes
Q8058     08 - Barber
Q8059     09 - Dentist
Q805OTH     88 - Risk HIV/AIDS Other
Q805DK      99 - Risk HIV/AIDS DK
Q8061     01 - Monogamous
Q8062     02 - Reduce Partner
Q8063     03 - Absitinence
Q8064     04 - No Oral Sex
Q8065     05 - No Anal Sex
Q8066     06 - Sex with Homosexual
Q8067     07 - No sex with Strangers
Q8068     08 - Prostitutes
Q8069     09 - Share Needles
Q80610     10 - Blood Transfusion
Q80611     11 - Use Condoms
Q806OTH     88 - Avoid - HIV/AIDS Other
Q80699     99 - Do not know/ not stated
Q807     Modified Your Behaviour
Q8081     01 - Abstinence
Q8082     02 - Condoms
Q8083     03 - Diaphragm
Q8084     04 - Spermicidal
Q8085     05 - Foam or Cream
Q8086     06 - Sex without penetration
Q8087     07 - reduction Number
Q8088     08 - Monogamy/Fidelity
Q808OTH     88 - In what ways
Q809     Infected No Symptoms
Q810     Infected tell Partner
Q811     Why not
Q812     Cure for Aids
Q813     Died from Aids
Q814     Condom - Prevention
Q900     He suggest use of condom
Q901     Let him use a condom
Q902     Allow him to use a condom
Q903     Suggested to use a condom
Q904     Agree to use condom
Q905     Presently using condoms
Q905A     A - Age First use Condoms
Q906     How often use condoms
Q9071     01 - Prevent unwanted pregnancies
Q9072     02 - Prevent HIV/AIDS
Q9073     03 - To Prevent STIs
Q9074     04 - To Prevent Infecting Partner
Q9075     05 - Hygiene
Q907OTH     Steady Partner Other
Q9079     09 - Do not know/not stated
Q908     Why Seldom use condom
Q908OTH     Other - Seldom - Never Use
Q909     How Often use Condoms
Q9101     01 - Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies
Q9102     02 - Prevent HIV/AIDS
Q9103     03 - To Prevent STIs
Q9104     04 - To Prevent Infecting Partner
Q9105     05 - Hygiene
Q910OTH     Other - Steady partner
Q9109     09 - Do not Know/Not Stated
Q911     Seldom or Never use Condoms
Q911OTH     Other - Seldom - Never Use Other
Q912     IF problems with Condoms
Q9131     01 - Problem with Condoms
Q9132     02 - Irritate Partner
Q9133     03 - Sensitivity
Q9134     04 - Interruption
Q9135     05 - Codoms Breaks
Q9136     06 - Stayed Inside
Q9137     07 - Condoms Break
Q913OTH     Discomfort Other
Q9139     09 - Do Not Know/Not Stated
Q914     Brand of Condoms
Q914OTH     Other Brand
Q915     Where Get Condoms
Q916     If keep condoms
Q917     Where keep condoms
Q918     Ever use Condoms
Q919     Old using Condoms
Q9201     01 - Why Use Condoms
Q9202     02 - Prevent HIV/AIDS
Q9203     03 - To Prevent STIs
Q9204     04 - To Prevent Infecting Partner
Q9205     05 - Hygiene
Q9208     08 - Why use Condoms
Q9209     09 - Do not know/Not Stated
Q921     Codoms Problems/ Discomfort
Q9221     01 - Problem/Discomfort Condoms
Q9222     02 - Irritate partner
Q9223     03 - Sensitivity
Q9224     04 - Interruption
Q9225     05 - Condoms Break
Q9226     06 - Stayed Inside
Q9227     07 - Condoms break
Q922OTH     08 - Condoms Other
Q9229     09 - Do not Know/Not Stated
Q923     Where do you get Condom
Q923OTH     88 - Where do you get condom
Q924     Why not using condom presently
Q925     Never used Condom
Q9261     01 - packaged Condom is Good
Q9262     02 - No Whol
Q9263     03 - Air in Packaged
Q9264     04 - Opening Lubricant
Q9268     08 - Condoms - other
Q927     Place obtaining condoms
Q928     Places or peoples
Q928OTH     Other - Places or People
Q9291     01 - Statement and Agree
Q9292     02 - partner Requests
Q9293     03 - Irritation on Penis/ Vagina
Q9294     04 - New Condom every ejaculation
Q9295     05 - Faithful to Partner
Q10011     01 - Teach in School
Q10012     02 - Contraception
Q10013     03 - STIs/HIV/AIDS
Q10021     01 - Age Taught
Q10022     02 - Contraception
Q10023     03 - STIs/HIV/AIDS
Q1003     Information Parents
Q1004     Old Information
Q1005     Birth Control By Parents
Q1006     Old Received Information
Q1009     Family Life
Q1012     First Class/Course
Q1013A     A - Standard/Form/Year
Q1013B     B - Standard/Form/Year
Q1014     Main Person - taught
Q10161     01 - Course in School
Q10163     03 - Pregnancy Occurs
Q10164     04 - Modern Birth Control
Q10165     05 - Condoms
Q10166     06 - Diseases
Q10167     07 - STIs/HIV/AIDS
Q10168     08 - Parenting
Q10169      09 - Values Roles
Q1017A     A - Counselling
Q1017B     B - Clinic Services
Q1017C     C - Contraceptives
Q1018     Formal Class
Q1019     Organization
Q1020     Main Person - taught
Q10211     01 - Course in School
Q10212     02 - Women Menstrual
Q10213     03 - Pregnancy Occurs
Q10214     04 - Modern Birth Control
Q10215     05 - Condoms
Q10216     06 - Diseases
Q10217     07 - STIs/HIV/AIDS
Q10218     08 - parenting
Q10219     09 - Values Roles
Q1022A     A - Counselling
Q1022B     B - Clinic Services
Q1022C     C - Contraceptives
Q1023     Education Topics
Q1024     Information Sex
Q1025     Where
Q1026     Sexually transmitted
Q1027     Where
Q1028     HIV/AIDS
Q1029     Where
Q1101A     A - Family Planning From Radio
Q1101B     B - Family Planning From TV
Q1101C     C - Family Planning
Q1102     Any From BFLA
Q11031     01 - Planning number Children
Q11032     02 - Planning have children
Q11033     03 - Planning start Family
Q11034     04 - Sexual Life/Relations
Q11035     05 - Planning family Budget
Q11036     06 - Unwanted Pregnancies
Q11037     07 - Preventing STIs
Q11038     08 - Preventing Abortions
Q11039     09 - Contraceptive methods
Q110310     10 - Use of Condom
Q110311     11 - Family Health
Q110312     12 - Infertility treatment
Q110313     13 - family Life Education
Q110314     14 - Education/Hygiene
Q110315     15 - Medical Check - Ups
Q1103OTH     Other Family Planning
Q1103DK     DK - Family Planning
Q1104     Limit Number of Children
Q1105     Right Decide about pregnancy
Q11061     01 - Does not want child
Q11062     02 - Does not want child
Q11063     03 - Both Does not want child
Q11064     04 - For Economic reasons
Q11065     05 - Health reasons of Mother
Q11066     06 - Health Reasons of Child
Q11067     07 - Resulting from Rape
Q11068     08 - Woman is not Married
Q110688     88 - Pregnancy - other
Q110699     99 - Do not Know/Not Stated
Q1107     Legal Age woman having sex
Q1108     Age of Woman for having sex
Q1109     Age of man for having sex
Q1110     Age - Woman First Child
Q1111     Time - Woman First Child
Q1112     Age - Man First Child
Q1113     Time - man First Child
Q1114     Woman Breastfeed Child
Q1115     Age to stop breastfeeding
Q1116     Age Stop give breast Milk
Q1117     Mths Before Getting Pregnant
Q1118     Likeliness Become Pregnant
Q1119     Number of Children - Man
Q1120     Number of Children - Woman
Q1121     Number of Children
Q1122     Children in Life
Q1123     Likely to get Pregnant
Q1124     If use Contraception
Q1125     Contraceptive Be Use
Q1201     Woman have Sex-Sick
Q1202     Get Pregnant
Q1203    Avoid Sex
Q1204     Drinking pepsi/Coke
Q1205     Avoid Pregnant by bathing
Q1206     Something wrong with Boys
Q1207     Masturbates
Q1208     Erection - Discharge
Q1209     Family Violence
Q1210     Sexual Harrasment
Q1211     STIs/HIV/AIDS
Q1212     Virgin - Marries
Q1213     Pregnant Girls
Q1214     Boys Expelled
Q1215     Prostitues
Q1216     Extra-Marital Affairs
Q1217     Females Sterilization
Q1218     Vasectomy
Q1301     Consumed alcoholic drinks
Q1302     Still take alcoholic drinks
Q1303     How often alcoholic drinks
Q1304     Num drinks per occasion
Q1305     Age first take alco drinks
Q1306     Ever smoked cigarettes
Q1307     Still smoke cigarettes
Q1308     Num cigar per day
Q1309     Age first smoke cigar
Q1310     Ever smoked marijuana
Q1311     Still smoke marijuana
Q1312     Age first smoke marijuana
Q1313     Ever sniff smoke cocaine
Q1314     Still sniff smoke cocaine
Q1315     Age first smoke crack
Q1316     Ever used heroine
Q1317     Still use heroine
Q1318     Age first use heroine
Q13191    1 Slapping punching
Q13192    2 Bruises cuts
Q13193    3 Threats cursing
Q13194    4 Sex without consent
Q13195    5 Forcing partner
Q13196    6 Partner cannot visit
Q1320     Ever been abused
Q1321     How were you abused
Q1322     Age first abused
Q1323     Person respon for abuse
Q13241    1 Food not on time
Q13242    2 You are tired
Q13243    3 She getting on your nerves
Q13244    4 She has an affair
Q13245    5 She yells at you
Q13246    6 Does not want sex
Q13247    7 Kids too noisy
Q13251    1 When they are too noisy
Q13252    2 You are tired
Q13253    3 When they are upset
Q13254    4 When they get home late
Q13255    5 When they have bad grades at school
Q13256    6 When they do not listen are disobedient
Q1326     How handle relatn conflicts